what all you can achieve by having good knowledge ?


What is the importance of general knowledge? It spans way beyond knowing the answers to trivia and quizzes. Being up-to-date on general knowledge in various subjects and current affairs in different domains makes you a better person. From students to professionals to business owners to homemakers to retirees, this applies to virtually everyone in all walks of life. Here's why having good general knowledge is an important facet of your personality and helps you win at almost everything in everyday life.

Get better grades in school, college and competitive exams Whether it is a long and dull school essay or your prep for an upcoming debate, general knowledge can help you enhance academic knowledge. You may be able to stand out from the crowd if your knowledge on just about everything within and beyond your course work is tip top.
It is common sense to have a good grip over general knowledge and current affairs. Students in school and college are in many ways, expected to know what is making the world go around. A high level of general knowledge will passively yet directly affect your grades in school, college and even competitive exams.
General knowledge helps you take better decisions in life The importance of general knowledge and current affair spans beyond being able to shoot off answers or start conversations. General knowledge makes you street smart and helps you take well informed decisions. For example, being up-to-date on fiscal policies can help you make a profitable investment or knowing all about consumer rights can help you demand better service from a company.
Importance of general knowledge for parents: Helping your kids fare better in school What example will you set if your child comes to you with a simple question on science and you are left clueless? As a parent it is important for you to display good general knowledge and impart the same in your kids. Besides being able to help your kids with projects and homework, you will also be able to keep up with their state of mind if you are updated with the latest trends.
Interact effectively with people from different cultures There is a reason why things like knowing capitals cities of various countries, being able to identify their positions on the world map and knowing about their cultures are given importance in schools. Having general knowledge about different countries and geographies is known to help kids to form a perspective about the world and a culture that is different from their own.
For example, a college student who reads National Geographic magazine regularly may passively be more effective at dealing with a multicultural workforce in the future. General knowledge plays a pivotal role in a day and age where cities are thriving multicultural hubs.
Adults too, may be able to better interact with people from different cultures and save themselves from embarrassment by having common knowledge about various cultural etiquette. General knowledge helps you keep up with the latest trends Apart from the fact that general knowledge has multiple practical uses it can also make you trendier.
Current affairs is an integral part of the general knowledge domain and skimming through magazines, newsletters and websites can keep you updated on the latest trends. General knowledge will help you have an opinion Opining is not always about telling someone what you think or whether you like or dislike something. It involves subtleties of making an informed choice, taking a side, manipulating and maybe even cajoling someone to do something.


Even the art of avoiding giving an opinion and beating around the bush is made easier with good general knowledge because you have to know what you are being asked, what you are going to say and what else can you add to avoid doing something that you don't want to do. Enhance your public speaking skill with general knowledge The importance of general knowledge percolates deeper than just being able to be a good conversationalist.
Strong command over general knowledge and current affairs will help you get rid of the fear of public speaking as you will no longer be worried about filling the long pauses and gaps. From being able to speak about interesting facts about a subject to holding a discussion with the audience, general knowledge is a speaker's friend. There mere fact of being armed with well rounded knowledge can give a speaker's confidence a solid boost before and during a public speech. General knowledge increase creativity and innovation Academic curriculum may not be enough to increasing creativity and innovation in children and adults alike.
Everyone learns the same things in school and college. What makes people different from each other is the extra knowledge they have. For example, a student who is a science buff could very well come up with the next big innovative IT solution which was the result of years of flipping through science and tech journals. Quest for general knowledge: Makes for an excellent hobby What will you possibly do if you are feeling bored and you don't have a laptop or a smartphone in sight? Getting even more bored, is possibly one of the top answers.
Your quest for general knowledge will make you look forward to just picking up a newspaper, book or a magazine and spending hour after hour reading. Reading, what once seemed like a boring thing to do will turn into someone that is enjoyable and helps you pass time.
The habit of soaking in general knowledge will keep you busy going through news websites, newspapers, magazines or just about anything in sight that is food for your brain. General knowledge makes starting conversations easy Holding a conversation with a friend, colleague, acquaintance or even a stranger may be difficult if you don't share common interests.
General knowledge and current affairs are instant conversation starters and can help you in those typical awkward moments of silence. Being up-to-date on general knowledge will save you from weird situations when neither you nor someone else have anything to say. Your boundaries of conversation will extend much beyond your core areas on interests. This will allow you start conversations with virtually anyone and everyone. There are few things in life that can be habit forming, harmless, fun and useful at the same time – Learning is one!


  1. Very informative and nicely framed πŸ‘

  2. Well written πŸ’―& very informative content Di

  3. Very interesting and nicely framed.. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ’•

  4. Very well written BNπŸ™ŒπŸ»❤️. Great use of words. The information that can help the current generation grow better ahead in life. Keep up the good work & awaiting for more such informative & useful content from youπŸ˜‡❤️

  5. Great work keep it up πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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