Child Development Role!!!


As we all know in today’s competitive world, how important it is to have a good general knowledge. General knowledge is one of those important area of child’s development which is mostly overlooked.

Here are some ways how they can improve their kids general knowledge:

Watch Sports

Take the help of globe

General knowledge books and magazines

Visit Museums

Use Audio and video materials

Quiz shows


General knowledge websites

Have a routine and let them ask questions


Watch sports

Instead of limiting their knowledge to just the more popular sports or their favorite sports, tell them about various other sports that are played and their importance. Watching the Olympics on the news is not just a source of entertainment, but it can help them increase their knowledge about countries, capitals, flags and national anthems. There are also many other games by which your child can remember the capitals of different countries of the world.

Take the Help of a Globe

Children love visual demonstration, and a globe helps to understand about the structure of the earth, the lands and oceans, and the innumerable countries with their different cultures. You can help your child choose a place, and you can collect as much information as on it. Ask questions on what you have done after a couple of days to see if they remembers it.

General Knowledge Books or Magazines

A simple yet effective method, buy or subscribe to general knowledge periodicals for children which help them learn about many things in a colourful way. Equally useful are children’s encyclopaedias which make learning fun with the help of clear language and bright illustrations.

Visit Museums

India is a country of culture and heritage, which counts for the numerous museums across the country. No matter where you stay, take your child on a trip to the museum and let them explore the area they feels interested in. Be it a history, science or art museum, encourage them to talk to the officials and ask questions.

Use Audio and Video Materials

Coming back to visual demonstration, look up material on the internet about various things your child should know as per their age. After study time, the two of you can sit with a video which explains the solar system, water cycle and the human body in a child-appropriate manner.

Quiz Shows

Though quiz shows are not  regular anymore, you can always enjoy quiz shows with your child on the internet. Past episodes of popular quiz shows can easily be watched on video websites with your child in free time. Encourage him or her to answer, and make them participate in family quizzes as well.


Newspapers are one of the best things to take help of while investing in general knowledge. If your child is too young to read the newspaper, read certain portions out to them. If he or she is a little older, choose a simple paragraph, make them circle new words and find out their meanings. This exercise will greatly help in his or her vocabulary and inculcate a habit of reading newspapers.

General Knowledge Websites

There are many websites online which can help your child learn about current affairs in a fun and easier way. These websites explore on geography, history, science and literature alike so that your child has a wide exposure of knowledge.

Have a Routine and Let Her Ask Questions

Children perform better when they have a specified time for eat, play and study. Similarly, make a timetable for your child and see that they follows it. Encourage them to question everything and to find out the answers as much as they can.

You can do all these to improve your child's general knowledge. 



  1. Good Going πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ

  2. πŸ‘πŸ»good worth reading

  3. Great Job, keep up the good work


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